Tuesday, 1 December 2015

NatWest Women’s Networking Event

(Pic Credits:  Chaines Dance Company and RAV Photography)

Poor Morgan of Morgan Gleave Art & Design was left behind working on his latest rebranding project whilst Linda went to the NatWest Women’s Networking Event at The Big Shed Conference Centre in Leicester on the 27 November.

NatWest Bank
Nobody at Morgan Gleave Art & Design knew anything about these Women’s networking events until Linda met very pleasant woman named Nutan Vadera at a corporate dinner recently and received an invitation.  Nutan works for NatWest Bank and is one of the organizers of these events – and a jolly good job the organisers did too!   

The Stalls
Morgan Gleave Art & Design was not eligible to have a stall at the venue because they were reserved for startups and young businesses.  They did not qualify because it has been astounding the East Midlands and as far afield as the US, Japan and New Zealand with original art and design for over eleven years.  (It’s best not to remind either Morgan or Linda about that; they both think they are still youngsters.  Giggle.) 

Linda felt that it was her duty to visit every stall and look at a lot of lovely products.  There was original silver jewelry, lingerie made of the most beautiful fabrics, cups and furniture, and a lot of makeup and skin care products.  Linda bought a couple of things, including some chocolate (as if she could resist chocolate!), and had a manicure.

There were serious – but by no means boring – activities such as talks, advice, inspirational stories, organised networking and a raffle.  Linda won a raffle prize, whoohoo!  

Touch of Las Vegas Glitz
No, not Elvis Presley restored to life or a tacky Elvis impersonator.

The Vegas Showgirls from Chains Dance Company suddenly appeared and amazed everyone with their costumes and their legs.  Those legs…not only did they go on forever, they did some wonderful high kicks.  Obviously there was a lot more to it than that and they were highly entertaining.  

Later Linda, who was still recovering from a back injury she sustained at the gym, stood in the office and did a few ‘high’ kicks of her own. 

Morgan’s response?  A puzzled,  “Are you being a dancing girl?  Are you trying to attract me?”  It was jolly fortunate that she was doing no such thing… 

Did you go to the event?   What did you get out of it?

(Pic Credits:  Chaines Dance Company and RAV Photography)

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